Tuesday, September 18, 2007

TF2 Part 2: The Wrath of the InterWeb

From seeing some posts on other sites including the steampowered forums (after all this rick-diculousness, they are finally not being bombarded) and others, there are some people out there curious about the woes and pains a lot of us gamers feel from this Sept 17th event.

"Stop crying, its a beta, its a privelage"
"BETA get used to it"
"My daddy touches me in naughty places"

Look, I can understand the idea behind the BETA. I realize its an extra gift for doing the pre-purchase. I see it as the the icing on the cake. What I dont final amusing is that some people made the decision to buy the Orange Box early because of touted features like "Beta on Sept 17th". My money could easily be used elsewhere until the game officially came out, but I chose to go the way of Valve and pre-order so I could have my taste of the game early.
Then after screaming from the mountains "Dont plan your vacation, TF2 BETA ON MONDAY SEPT 17 OMGWTFBBQSAUCE" and ads and posts saying, "YOU, YES YOU DINGLEBERRRY! YOU GET TO PLAY TF2 ON MONDAY BECAUSE YOU GAVE THEM YOUR MONEY", you kinda expect something... Maybe its not the same as buying a chick a drink and expecting a little toss the salad but you expect something.

Now im not gonna go as far as staying home just to play it, but i can understand what those people who did it feel like.
I come home and nothing... i wait a few hours and nothing. I go to sleep and nothing.

All valve had to do, and nothing more, was post updates. Tell the customers what is going on. Let them know that they are having issues and wont make their promises. And NOT just mention these things in IRC chatrooms and forums that obviously did not live up to their usage.
Send a message to major blogging and tech and forums sites. LET PEOPLE KNOW WHY THEY ARENT PLAYING. Thats all we ask. Sure we'll be a little miffed, but at least we can go "Hey, i guess i can just go outside and do things that require physical exertion and social prowess"

PPS DESTRUCTOID.COM is the bomb shizzie. Go there and learn and absorb gaming goodness. And make sure to marry their daughter at http://marryourdaughter.net/

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